Welcome Student Activities and Disabilities Officers!


Land of the Blind and 'Didjeri-Doc' have been wowing college audiences and festivals alike for over 10 years. They have toured internationally creating a fusion of World Funk Folk, featuring world-class female vocals, master didjeriduist ' Didjeri-Doc', funky rhythms and grooving songs.

'Didjeri-Doc', a combo himself, a master of the Australian Didjeridu and a doctor (as well as a former college faculty member), has dedicated himself to teaching students with disabilities to again play (or play for the first time!)   a musical instrument. The Didjeridu is the only instrument in the world which doesn't require any use of the hands, nor head movements, so it can be played by virtually anyone. This opens up a whole new world of personal musical expression for students with disabilities.


Land of the Blind and Didjeri-Doc present a..
World Music concert, followed by a
Music Class for students to learn to play the Didjeridu.


'Didjeri-Doc' delivers a fun and relaxed instructional/practical class for disabled students (quadriplegic, paraplegic, those with hand disabilities, visually impared, etc., and able students if class size permits) to introduce and teach the playing of the Didjeridu. During the class, students get to play the Didj themselves, and see how they can easily play it in their own dorm room, without any assistance!


The Didjeridu has no finger holes to cover (unlike a flute or trumpet), no keypads to press (unlike a piano or keyboard); no moving parts at all, nothing that requires the use of hands. Nor does it need head movements (like sophisticated equipment to create “computer-generated” sounds). Simply put, anyone who can breath in and blow out through their mouth, and vibrate their lips against the mouthpiece of the Didj.....

..... Can Make MUSIC!

Very exciting and liberating for a student!
YOU will be a HERO for bringing music into their lives.......

The Concert

Land of the Blind is a World-Folk-Funk band, with emphasis on ancient exotic-ethnic instruments: the 10,000 year old Australian Didjeridu, Indian Dilruba and Harmonium, Appalachian Lap Dulcimer, world percussion, topped by award winning female vocals (two-timing A.S.C.A.P. winner). During the concert, “Didjeri-Doc” plays the Didjeridu while sitting in a chair; the “didj” on a playing stand (exactly the same way a quadriplegic person would play) so the students can visualize the possibility for themselves, how they too can play the Didjeridu.


The Class

It's really a practical music lab, not an academic lecture. Two of us will teach students, individually, the beginnings of playing the Didj: how to make the basic sounds, vocalizations, and breathing techniques. (beginner Didj's provided for the class experience) For those students who want to continue playing the Didj, once their Didj is set up in their dorm room, they can simply play any time they want, without assistance! A beginner Didj and stand is all they need.

With the instant gratification of the Didj and minimal monetary output, disabled students who may have thought they could never play any instrument, are very excited by their new found ability to play the Didjeridu!

One of the coolest things about the Didjeridu is that it’s an instrument of personal expression as there is no “right way” to play it, nor sheet music to turn. Whatever sounds the student can make, be it rhythmic or mono-tonal, it is very much-- “their song”.

In addition.... the Didjeridu is now being used to expand and deepen breath capacity (very important for those with restricted/limited chest expansion), and aid in the reduction of asthma and snoring!


Krystov 'Didjeri-Doc'
Australian Didjeridu Master / Indian Dilruba / Appalachian Dulcimer

'Didjeri-Doc' has been dedicated to helping those with disabilities for 15 years, and now devotes himself to performing for and teaching students-with-disabilities. He's been chosen as one of the best Didjeridu players in the world and is one of the featured performers on internationally selling album, "Didjeridu Planet 3". He brings to the stage a contemporary futuristic style of Didj playing, with pop/funk rhythms and wailing chorus of sounds!

To further his healing studies, he worked closely with Inter-Tribal Native American Medicine Man, Rolling Thunder.

  • DIDJERIDU MASTER performing in the USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico
  • DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC, practiced in both California and Oregon
  • FORMER FACULTY MEMBER of prominent Southern California college, as Assistant Clinical Director
  • FORMER OLYMPIC TEAM DOCTOR, track and field
  • AWARDED U.S. PATENT for innovative physical therapy based on Sound

'Didjeri-Doc' delivers a fun, exciting and relaxed class, encouraging everyone to gently coax their own sounds out of the Didj. Because of his deep medical background and experience as a teacher, he has an amazingly intuitive sense of the student and how best to help them on their way to becoming a solid beginning didjeridu player!

Cyoakha O'Manion
Singer extraordinaire / keys / Indian harmonium / Didjeridu

Cyoakha is a well known award-winning vocalist, as well as producer. She produced Land of the Blind's critically acclaimed 5 CD's, has toured the world and performed and recorded with many different projects.

She created the ground-breaking Blind in Portland 10 years ago with members from many famous bands including: Santana, Dan Reed Network, & The Harry Partch Ensemble (of Juliard Music School, New York. ). Blind was one of the first west coast bands to mix World, Tribal, Celtic & Folk.

She was lead singer-songwriter with SF's "Prog-Rock" ensemble, Azigza, toured internationally for 4 years to critical acclaim & 2 CD's. Guest singer-musician with well-known San Francisco's favorite innovators, Big City Orchestra, recently opened for The Legendary Pink Dots, and featured in the Illuminated Corridor Project (Oakland Opera Company). BCO produced 3 cd set "Women Bring Back the Noise" where Cy joined world-wide female composers.

Cyo's amazing 4-octave voice and wild stage presence won her the following awards:

    (International Progressive Music Festival, Chapel Hill, North Carolina)
  • Two YOUNG AMERICAN COMPOSER awards (A.S.C.A.P., New York)
  • BEST NEW SINGER award (Wow Hall)
  • PORTLAND MIME THEATRE, toured 4 years using mime & theatre workshops teaching English to English as a Second Language students, and workshops for disabled persons and youths-at-risk
  • PRODUCER AWARD GRANT for 2nd Blind album, Out of Chaos

Currently composing her third full length soundtrack, including H.P. LOVECRAFT'S novel "Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", as well as composing music for indie movies and TV.

Land of the Blind has shared the stage with Chemical Brothers, Jefferson Starship, Patti Smyth, Sky Cries Mary, Critters Buggin', Trillian Green, Scott Huckabay, Lost at Last, Joanne Rand, Kali's Angels, and international bands: Wendy Rule, Shooglenifty, Ankh, The Necks, and SARS.

Land of the Blind has been touring to ecstatic audiences for 10 years

  • Honored as the “state band” for the Oregon Council of the Blind
  • Performed at many colleges, including U of Oregon, Menlo College,
    Portland State, Reed College’s “Summer Program for the Blind”
  • Toured nationally and internationally (Australia, Canada, Mexico)
  • Five acclaimed albums

Contact Land of the Blind and Didjeri-Doc
©2008 Land of the Blind All Rights Reserved.









Booking Info
Best way to book Land of the Blind and Didjeri-Doc is to e-mail by clicking here. Be sure to ask about package deals for both the concert and workshop!



Interview 'em
If you would like to arrange an interview to discuss the concert and workshop, please click here

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three song music sample click listen

























































Booking Info
Best way to book Land of the Blind and Didjeri-Doc is to e-mail by clicking here. Be sure to ask about package deals for both the concert and workshop!

three song music sample click listen