singer, songwriter, producer, dreamer

this summer is getting exciting for me, I am recording a new soundtrack (see below, Lovecraft), touring with the "new" SF line up of Land of the Blind, with great players (see dates for summer schedule), recording my second cd with Azigza and just finished my own 5 song EP of tunes worshipping water (ok, a bit abstract but very cool) called WitchWater....have a wonderful summer yourself. peace, cyo



1998 & 1999 ASCAP Performers award/grant for          
Young American Composers for the CD 'OUT OF CHAOS'         

"I am tired of rock, the same old beats from the Disco 80s, the kit sound, the guitar solo, I am trying to walk on a new trail. Seems like all the trance bands use canned beats, which is sad considering that the bay area holds some of the world's finest drummers! Our current kit is all hand drums, sounds very cool. I love using World instruments to create "western" music. It is weird and wonderful. Haunting. I think lots of people are tired of rock meaning alt (which has not changed much since Nirvana, who were great, but come on, 10 years of bad Nirvana imatations is a long time) poser punk is getting old with supposed punk bands created in hollywood, Folk is having a revolution, world is still new but traditional doesn't interest me much, so to make new western music with amazing instruments, to go tribal with drums instead of discodance ca ca, with lyrics that say something besides oh baby, that's my goal. You can make people dance without the same ol' thump thump thump. You can uplift w/out being wimpy new age. You can rock without tired guitar solos. You can. I believe so so I'm trying right now. As long as a few folks agree, I will keep on this fresh trail."


currently working on:

1. Cy is currently writing the soundtrack to Gorilla Production's version of H.P. Lovecraft's novel "Search for the Unknown Kadath". "As Music Supervisor, I am having an artistic epiphany, with so many scenes with music needed and everything being sooo otherworldly. I think it will be another album for me by the time I am done. I am also collaborating with Equinox of the Portland Land of the Blind and Kungha Dregsen of Thoth here in SF on this. Both very talented in keyboard/bass beds."

Please go to the Kadath website for more info and samples/downloads of the wild dark spooky soundtrack.


2."SLAMNATION' premiered at SXSW & NY
3."BEING IN THE NIK OF TIME"-"THE CROSS" by Cyoakha and The Blind
and "THE NIK OF TIME" theme song, by Cyoakha and Echolalia
4."TREESIT", documentary of Julia Butterfly's years in a tree, by award-winning eco film makers HAVC- 'CHURCH OF THE HOLY TREES" & "TRIBE", by Cyo & Blind
5."Skyunderground" indie art film, director Juan Carlos, (Spain) "JOURNEY'S END", by Cyo & K-1
6. "NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE", by HAVC, currently filming, re: dumping on Native Lands


Cy also fronts the world-fusion-symphonic-prog-rock band AZIGZA, San Francisco, currently touring on the "Prog" circuit & recording their 2nd cd. See Expose Magazine, three reviews. Prog List; "Best New Album of 2000".

Member of the following;          ASCAP, TAXI, EarthFirst!, GreenPeace, PETA, Sierra Club, NRDF, Native American Rights Fund, Friends of the Earth, World Wildlife Fund (what a Bleeding Heart Liberal, eh?)


"Composer/Vocalist Cyoakha adds a nascent pop sensibility often lost on many neo-tribal ensembles" Pick of the Week, SF Weekly

"Lead vocalist Cyoakha wails with the intensity of Kate Bush...her rendition is sparse and haunting, her voice alternating between breathy whispers and notes of startling clarity... a bizarre but intriguing LaurieAnderson meets the Woman's Choir of Bulgaria" WXFM Boston

"Totally original, yet often compared to female powerhouses like Kate Bush & Tori Amos, her writings defy the simplistic pop song format and she can belt it out with the best of them" Wow Hall Concert Review, Eugene, Or


* see disc descriptions on order page
singer, producer - available thru band, see order page or CD BABY, CD STREET, AMAZON
Harmony Ridge-1-800-611-4696 

live 90 tape only, trancey, double fem vocals, dark, gothy, dreamy...$10 cdr-order thru O'Manion

"ALTERED CHRISTMAS" cd available, with Rhan Wilson & S.K. Thoth
wild insane minor key versions of Yule songs, gotta hear it to believe the insanity.

wild world fusion debut, reviewed best of 2000, currently recording 2nd cd
http:// www.lionharp/
15 originals, from beautiful ballads to trip-hop soundtrack dreams, $12 cdr, available thru cy

soon to be released, a collaboration w/my favorite composers, release date- fall 2002

ECTO 1 AND ECTO 2 (tribute to Happy Rhodes) available thru


All CDs can be ordered thru contacting Cy via web site, email or call
O'Manion Music Co (415) 789-8139, CHAOS can be ordered through all Borders/Towers etc... or contact Burnside Distribution, Portland, OR
but ordering thru the band means we actually get the damn money and you get faster and friendlier service that includes shipping, Chinese candy & my bizarre art!

"screw the system whenever possible"